Well I have finally made it to my home town of Ventura, California and loving it so far. The transition is always a little rough but it has not been to bad. The local 24 hour fitness is definitely a different crowd than I am used to but the view is insane amazing. It over looks the harbor and has a great view of all the boats and water.
Since getting into town on Wednesday I have been able to make it to the gym to lift 4 times (I took Saturday off). I said that I was going to keep better track of my actual workouts of the day to post them but I completely spaced out on them until yesterday. I know I know…I have tracked my workouts from yesterday, today and will continue to do so. I would LOVE to hear everyone else’s workouts if you want to post them in the comments section and/or if you had any suggestions for me.
I do have to share that I had an amazing hike today though. Anyone that knows the Ventura area knows that there are great views from The Cross. I found some great hilly trails that really got the heart going. It has been a long time since I have been on a good trail hike like that…Check out the view from the top.
Lately I have been using dumbbells more than anything and really concentrating on very slow movements and keeping constant tension as much as possible. (I wrote a bit about constant tension in a previous article if you are curious) There are many different schools of thought on how to break up your days and what your going to lift to get the most benefit. Some think that you should always group together 1 push and 1 pull movement. Some believe they get better gains by grouping together back/chest and then their arms. To my knowledge, it is all preference. I do not want to give information without doing research so that is actually what I am going to do. Look for an upcoming article explaining the different thought processes of why people group together certain body parts. Either way…MAKE SURE YOUR HITTING EVERYTHING. Do not skip certain areas.
Sunday – 12.22.2013 - Chest/Biceps
15 Minute Warm up. 5 minute jog then 10 minutes of HIIT. (1 min @ 5mph, 1 min @ 9mph)
Decline DB press – 12, 12, (increase weight) 10
Incline DB press – 12, 12, (increase weight) 10
Flat Bench DB flys – 12, 12, (increase weight) 10
Cable flys – 12, 12, (increase weight) 10
Flat DB press – 50
Incline DB curl – 10, 10, (increase weight) 8
Standing barbell curl – 10, 10, (increase weight) 8
Preacher Curl – 10, 10, (increase weight) 8
LVL 3 Resistance Band alternating hand curls – 100.
Monday – 12.23.2013 – Back/Triceps
Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs – 12, 12, (Increase weight)10. I Super-setted these with sets of 20 push-ups.
Barbell Back Rows – 15, 15, 15
Cable Rows – 12, 12, (increase weight) 10
Straight Arm pull downs – 12, 12 (increase weight) 10
Back Extensions – 15, (increase weight) 12, (increase weight) 10, (drop all weight) 15
Dips – 3 Sets to failure
Standing Overhead Low Pulley Triceps Extensions – 12, 12, (increase weight) 10
Skull Crushers – 12, 12, (increase weight) 10
DB kickbacks – 50
So I know this may be jumbled and I do apologize. However, I have some great ideas for upcoming articles. I just want to complete some research on specific topics first. Along with the articles I will continue to post my workouts and progress from my initial beginnings. If anyone has any sort of feed back or comments please feel free to leave them in the comments section or you can send me a private email at LifeOfCouncil@gmail.com
Until next time…