Friday, January 31, 2014

Getting Swole with Cory Gregory - Week 1 Review

Hey Everybody,
So I just finished week 1 of Cory Gregory's 16 week plan.  I wanted to write a weekly report on this program so expect one of these articles every Friday. (or Sunday since the later weeks call for a Saturday workout that I will want to also write about)  For those who did have not read my explanation for picking this program please see my previous post HERE <--------
Week one consisted of 4 detailed workouts that seem really emphasize on fast pace, super-sets and minimal breaks.  There were minimal tweaks to his given routine due to not having the equipment.  Instead of wide grip pull ups we did wide grip lat pull downs.  Instead of ab rollers we did a combo of hanging leg raises and Russian twists.  
Day 1 - Chest/Back

Monday was a chest/back split.  Every round was a super-set of 1 chest and 1 back exercise.  This was a little different than I am used to.  I typically do a Chest/Biceps split & a Back/Triceps split instead.  We had to substitute one thing on his sheet which was the wide grip pull ups.  We did Wide Grip lat pull downs instead.  The exercises that are bunched together are the ones that were super-sets and above is the set & rep count. (5x12 = 5 sets @ 12 reps a picece)
Personal Review:
Overall I felt like a lot of my lifts were done a bit to light.  Especially my chest exercises.  I was a bit intimated by the rep counts and do not truly know my max so finding a starting spot was a challenge.  I will be tweaking my weights quite a bit for week two.  The wide grip lat pull downs were definitely the most challenging movement for myself to complete with proper form at that many reps.
Did I like this workout?  Not a huge fan of the chest/back split but I will continue it through this 16 plan as it is planned.

Day 2 - Legs/Abs
Tuesday was legs day...the day that most dread with a passion. (possibly including my better half who is following this program with me) I can def say that this was intimidating to me on paper and it was the beast that I expected.  Most of my leg workouts are at a slower pace and I try and go heavy so this format was a change for me.
Personal Review:
In one word...brutal.  However, If i had to explain it in exactly 117 words then this is what I would say.  I felt like I could of gone a bit heavier on my squats but super-setting it with the leg presses had me dripping with sweat pretty quickly and definitely set the tone for the rest of the workout.  The dead lifts were the toughest part of the routine and entire program thus far.  By the time we got to the lunges my legs were pretty much toast.  The final set was definitely that "dig down deep" type of moment that you strive for in the gym.  I have lost my ab roller so I tried to think of something comparable so I threw in some leg raises and Russian twists for time.  Amanda especially hated this part.  :)
Did I like this workout?  Probably my favorite of the 4 that was completed this week. 

Day 3 - Arms 

Undoubtedly the most popular day when it comes to the uneducated gym goer (besides the typical 45 min elliptical rider)  Guys want the big biceps to show off at the pool and girls want those nice toned arms for dress season.  This will take some getting used to for the same reason the chest/back split will take getting used to.  This stuck to the format of the previous days.  High rep counts, lots of sets, minimal rest...
Personal Review:
I felt like my biceps got a lot harder workout than my triceps.  I would of enjoyed a 3rd weighted exercise instead of bench dips to fail.  I may of gone to light on the skull crushers but I felt like at the end of the workout most of the strain and fatigue was in my biceps.  However, the 40 rep sets in the 2nd part of the workout did burn quite bad.  By the time we got to the preacher curls, I was sweating bullets and giving it everything I had to pull up the last reps.  Going forward I will try and up the weight for the tricep portions and most likely put a plate in my lap for the bench dips portion.  
Did I like this workout?  Was the quickest workout of the week and probably least favorite.  Will be looking for more tension on my triceps in the upcoming weeks.

Week 4 - Shoulders/Abs
And the award for the most deceiving workout on paper goes to day 4.  From the time that I looked this workout up on Wednesday night until we finally got start on Thursday night I thought that this would be a breeze.  I was wrong.  Still feeling it for sure.  I WILL NEVER DOUBT YOU AGAIN MR. GREGORY!  We walked in thinking this would be a 20-30 minute workout and it took us just under 45.  
Personal Review:
This was the one day this week that I feel I was spot on with my chosen weight amounts for this rep/set range.  I was gassed out at the end of the first grouping and really had to dig deep down to get the lateral raises done in the second grouping.  I know what your thinking..."It was only 10 lbs Ryan!"  The minimal breaks are what made this so tough.  Fatigue was set in and it took a lot to put that in the back of the mind and just push through it all.  The ab portion was altered again.  Cory's routine calls for an ab roller and I am still missing mine so we did leg raises and Russian twists again.  This time we did 100 of each for time (to ensure only the minimal amount of rest).
Did I like this workout? Yes...a lot more than I thought I would in fact.

So there is week 1 in the books.  Amanda and I both agreed that we did not want to take 3 days off in a row with no activity so we are going to do some HIIT tomorrow for cardio.  No real strength training but we both did not want to go dormant for the weekend.  In the future I will write reviews on our diet as it evolves as well as the supplementation portion of the program.  For the phase I will concentrate on reporting my workout portion though.
What are your thoughts?  Something that you would follow?  All suggestions are welcomed.
Until Next Time...


Sunday, January 26, 2014

New Workout Program Chosen. And it is...

Hey Everyone,
Hope everyone had a good weekend.  I had an excellent legs workout on Friday and then I traveled to see my brother and dad about 2 hours south in Portland, OR.  My girlfriend and I both had a great time seeing family but the combination of the legs workout on Friday and the cramped car ride had us hurting.  You know what they say though...
So as I spoke about in my last post, one of my biggest goals going further was to have more structure and that I was going to look for a new workout program to follow.  I did have some criteria that the program had to fit for me to consider it...
  • Could not be a quick fix type of program.  No "Get Jacked in 7 Days" Craziness
  • Had to be designed and authored by a reputable source
  • Could not be based around a product. (Hebalife, Body by Vi, etc..)
  • Had to have some sort of nutritional guide built with it as well.
I spoke with some of my friends that are highly involved with the fitness industry after rolling around a couple different fitness sites looking for new programs and the one that I have chosen is Cory Gregory's 16-Week Muscle Building Program.  I have followed Cory Gregory's work for a while and I am definitely a fan of his contributions to the fitness community along with his personal work.  If you know nothing about him than do yourself a favor and check out his biography.  Coal miner to President of MusclePharm.  
I was mostly drawn to his program due to the fact that it involves growth by proven scientific methods and not just dirty bulking.  All of the nutritional & supplemental plans were designed by Dr. Mike Kim, MusclePharm Executive Director of Medicine.  It is a 4 month program that is broken down into 4 VERY different phases.  Mixing up lifts, reps, weights, and routines all along the way for optimal results.  If you go to the link (which I will provide at the bottom) you can go to his page and they have the ENTIRE program in .PDF form to follow along.  I will not get into the nutritional/supplemental side of it on this blog but I will talk about the 4 phases and how the weight training differs in each phase. 

The first four weeks are designed to really shock your body if you are a beginner.  You are scheduled to work out every body part once a week at a very high intense pace.  Most exercises are combined into supersets and call for 10-12 reps.  He stresses on the importance of short breaks and not to go light just because you see the amount of reps involved.  Go fast, Go heavy and be ready to be shocked.  He explains that he designed this phase for "future hypertrophy and long-term gains."

The next 4 weeks change it up a bit when it comes to how your sets and rep counts are built.  Pyramiding refers to a set where you start with a high number of reps and lighter weight and continue to lower the reps/raise the weight until your done.  You must make sure that you reach failure on your last set.  Some of the sets are designed to start as high as 20 reps and end at 2.  However, this has to be achieved with proper form.  He goes on to explain that this will give you a more deep muscle soreness and fullness look to the muscles. 
He was also nice enough to throw in a day of HIIT training for us...You should already know about that from my previous post, right? ( HERE if you do not remember)

So at this point you are halfway through the program and your thinking that it will start to get easier as you are getting strong right? WRONG!  This phase throws in another exercise into the mix...literally.  Instead of super setting two exercises like in phase 1, you will now have to push yourself harder and complete tri-sets of exercises with no breaks in between.   He emphasizes to not cheat yourself and lower the weight to much just because you see the amount of lifts you are going to do.  This is the phase where a lot of lifters will start to really see the cut definition in their muscles and the lean physique. 
And yes...more HIIT Cardio.

Cory finishes up by explaining the remaining phase and how it is designed around traditional body building routines like Arnold Schwarzenegger made famous.  This final 4 week phase involves double split workout schedule where you hit all muscles groups twice a week.  You train 6 days a week instead of 4 and it involves a lot of high intensity super-sets, tri-sets, and other advanced techniques.  

Since the actual workouts are on the website I was no longer going to post my actual workouts on my blog.  However, if there is interest I can post weekly details so you can see what the weight of my lifts and progression that way.  Needless to say I am very excited to start tomorrow.  I do want to point out that this post was a VERY brief overview of the program and that there is tons of other information regarding it that I did not touch on. (like the entire nutritional and supplemental parts)  Plus, If Cory Gregory already replied to my tweet by saying that the #Hypeisreal then I have to trust it...
Until Next time...


Long Overdue Progress Report - 1 Month In

Hello Everyone!
It has been crazy times lately.  Last week I had to sadly say good bye to beautiful Southern California.  The weather, friends, and mostly family were an amazing combination for my stay but I believe I made the right decision on the move.  Some already know where I am currently hanging my hat but for those that do not......
...Washington!  I am currently in Tacoma and loving it thus far.  Between packing, the actual drive and getting settled I have sadly not been able to get to the gym since I have been here.  Job hunting has been my main focus since I have been here.  I have been given the opportunity to complete 3 interviews with LA Fitness and am waiting to hear back on their final decision for a position that I really want....WISH ME LUCK!  
Tonight will be my first time I get to hit the gym since I have been in town and I think it will be the perfect time for a great legs workout.  I typically like to hit legs twice a week.  One day I will go heavy and then I will do a day of training areas that I may of missed or need extra work.  I have not been implementing this schedule for very long but since I have there has definitely been an increase in my size and strength so I will stick with it.  Tonight will be my heavy day.
- Legs Day (a) -
  • 7 Mins on stair climber
  • Super-Set of Leg Extensions and Leg Curls - 5 Sets Total.  2 Warm-Up Sets @ 15 reps.  3 Working Sets @ 8 reps.
  • Leg Press - (1 leg at a time) 4 Working Sets Each @ 8 reps.
  • Back Squats - 2 Warm-Up Sets @ 10 Reps. 3 Working Sets @ 7 Reps.
  • Romanian Dead Lifts - 4 Working Sets @ 10 Reps.
  • Hack Squats - 4 Working Sets @ 8 Reps
  • Standing Calf Extensions - 3 Working Sets @ 21 Reps. Each Set includes 7 lifts with your toes straight, 7 lifts with your toes pointed out, and 7 lifts with your toes pointed in.
  • Seated Calf Raises - 3 Working Sets @ 8 Reps.  2 Sets Till failure.

Progress Update:
I KNOOOOWWWWWWWW I have completely missed the 1 month update and progress pics.  I apologize.  Now that I am settled at home and I am no longer traveling like I have been for the past month I can truly focus on my goals and keeping everyone updated.  
I can now report that after the 1 month mark that I am down 8 lbs from the original start mark. That puts me down to 187 from 195 lbs.  I do not really have much emotion about it either way.  On one hand I am happy that I am moving in the right direction but in the other hand I know how much closer I could be if I was being more dedicated towards my commitments.  If anything this first month has further proven to me how vital a proper diet is to reach your targets.  

Aspects of month 1 I am happy about:
Diet - 
I was happy with my progression of keeping a clean diet.  Even through road tripping.  I have decreased my alcohol intake and my sugar filled soda intake is at an all time low (I think I may of had 1 all month).  I had the support of family members while I was home which really helped.  My mother even got in on the action and we traded cooking duties.  She was hooking it up with some amazing dishes.   I posted some of them on my Instagram...go check it out - @LifeOfCouncil.  I honestly believe that this area was my biggest strength for month 1 and the main reason for my weight loss.
Cardio -
I have been really good at doing my HIIT cardio 3-4 times a week.  Mostly sprints on basketball courts.  I have increased the amount of sprints I have done twice since starting already.  I am getting closer to my ultimate goal of 2:1 rest ratio.  Meaning that for every burst of energy I will rest for half that time.  (30 seconds of sprinting & 15 seconds of rest).   PLEASE read my previous post regarding cardio if you have not yet and stop thinking that you need to set aside hours of jogging time to see real results.  3-4 times a week of 20-30 minute HIIT sessions can change your body composition drastically if done right.

Aspects of month 1 I did poorly:
Resistance Training -
My biggest area of shame has undoubtedly been my actual resistance training.  My gym visits drastically went down and I felt like my actual workouts were very unorganized and lacked focus.  I had some really good sessions but as a whole I feel like the month was merely a time period spent running in place.  Saw no real gains in strength through out the month and consider it a large failure in that department.  No excuses.  I should of and could of found ways to make it work.  

Areas of focus for Month 2:
Proper schedule & Planned Workouts -
Last month is the past.  Done dwelling on it. This month will be far further focused on my schedule.  This schedule will include a calendar with specified days/time periods for my strength/resistance training, HIIT cardio, and even my stretching.  I will be looking for a new workout program to follow that fits my goals. has a great database for workout programs developed by proven experts and I would personally advise anyone to check it out if they have not yet.  Once I chose a program I will be more than open to share it with everyone in the next post.
Continued Diet -
This does not really need much explanation.  I feel like it was my strong point last month and I don't want that to change.  Stay clean, stay healthy.  Avoiding soda is not really much of a concern with me as I don't ever crave it anymore.  Limiting my alcohol intake to a minimum will continue as well.
Documentation - 
Tracking your progress is key.  I have been awful at this thus far.  This month I will be making a conscious effort to track my workouts in a very detailed manner.  I will be taking measurements so that I can add those to my progression reports and share with everyone.  The only thing that I will not be tracking to a key is my diet.  I know that is important and it will be something that I do in the future but it will not be something that I focus on this month.

I hope that everyone is doing well with their new years resolutions and goals.  Do not get discouraged and know that there is always someone out there that can help you if you need it.  Send me an email @ if you have any personal questions or feel free to leave some feedback below in the comments section.  
Until Next Time...


Monday, January 13, 2014

Foam Rollers – Do You Use Them?

Good Evening Everyone,
How many times have you walked by the functional training areas and saw that long foam cylinder and wondered what it is?  Why is that person over there rocking back and forth on it?  Should I use it?
For those people that do know what it is…How often do you use it?  If you answered like most people then the answer was probably the same as if you ask “How often do you really stretch?”  Which is typically answered “Whenever I have the time.”  People really underestimate the importance of stretching and under utilize (in my opinion) one of the best pieces of equipment at the gym: The Foam Roller.
Anyone that knows me, know that I swear by foam rollers and lacrosse balls to relieve tension in my muscles.  My better half routinely gets angry at my answer when she requests a massage due to her back being sore…”try and foam roll it sweetheart.”   My goal of this article is to show exactly why you should start using one, how to use one, and provide some tips that I have found helpful regarding foam rolling.
The Why:
My old boss always would tell us that once you explain “The Why” then it makes “The How” a lot easier to comprehend.  So we will start there.
Just under the skin there is a layer of tissue that connects the muscles, nerves, bloods vessels and bones.  This tissue is called the superficial fascia.  The fascia and muscle tissue can get stuck together due to injuries, over training, lack of stretching and/or under use (sitting in a chair at your desk all day).  This can result in tenderness of the muscles and lack of flexibility or range of motion.
By placing soft, slow and constant pressure on the tissue while applying traction to the fascia you will start to breakdown the scar tissue between the skin, muscles and bones.  This is a slow process that can be painful at first.  However, benefits are outstanding.
Benefits include:
  • Relief of joint and muscle pains
  • Injury prevention
  • Increase of flexibility and range of motion
  • Form of rehabilitation
The How:
A lot of people will ask the question of “what areas of the body can I use this technique on to relieve soreness?”  Well you can essentially attack any part of your body with a foam roller to release the under lining scar tissue.  It is advised that you do stay away from a few areas which include your  joints (example: the back of the knee) and directly on the bone.  The most popular areas where people see the most benefits from include glutes, hamstrings, IT bands and upper back.
Here are some things to remember while you are foam rolling.
  • Make sure you are not rocking your weight back and forth quickly.  It should be a slow, steady and controlled movement no matter what muscle you are rolling out.
  • Once you find a painful trigger place that feels painful you should pause and hold it on that spot for a period of time (typical practice is 15-30 seconds).
  • It has been reported that you will find better results if you start at the center of your body and work towards your extremities.  Personally, I like to start at my feet and go all the way up to my back and finish with my triceps and forearms.
The following video is one that I have found that is great for showing details on each exercise and I think she does a great job on explaining technique.   (Yes…I know it is done by LivestrongWoman but I really believe this is 100% transferable for men.)

Some things to think about regarding Myofascial Release:
If there is ONE thing that I could drill into your mind regarding foam rolling it would be that it is NOT supposed to be a fun ride that you swing back and forth recklessly.  This should be slow movement that will indeed hurt at times.  That pain that you feel is the breaking down of scar tissue and means it is working.  On top of that, here are some other things to remember:
  • This is a much cheaper alternative to sports massages that can be done at home.  You can find them on amazon realatively cheap
  • I have personally found success in breaking down scar tissue in those hard to reach areas using Lacrosse balls as well.  Tennis balls seem to be to soft.  This seems to work great on the upper back right in between the shoulder blades.
  •  Try and foam roller directly after working out when your muscles are still warm.  However, it is important to to foam roll at least every other day while training.
  • Just like if you were getting a deep tissue or sports massage, you should refrain from drinking anything but water for a while after foam rolling.
  • Foam rollers do come in different levels of density depending on how sensitive you are.  Start with a soft roller and slowly adjust yourself to a firmer roller.
this is how i roll

Until Next Time…

P.S.  I have been working on my 1 month progress report (which was actually due like 6 days ago) but I have had some hold ups.  I will say that it is for sure coming and will be my next article!  Quick question though…are full body progression pics necessary for the article or are you just interested in my progress and what I have done to get there thus far?

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Top 7 Most Obnoxious Gym Rats!

Hi Everyone,
So as most of my readers know by now, I have recently moved from Saint Louis, Missouri back to Ventura, California where I grew up.  Adjusting to a new gym can always be weird at first.  New layout. New staff. New equipment. New crowd.  For the most part though, it is all the same stuff.  Always a great group of people that are working to better themselves.  However, with every gym there are always people that just have such weird gym habits that it drives you crazy.  Here is my personal list of gym personalities that drive me crazy…
#7 – The Hater of Resolutions
Starting off our list at number 7 is someone that has really gotten to me lately.  I never understood this attitude when I worked at the gym and now that I am more involved with social media, I see it even more.  At number 7 is The Hater of Resolutions.  Yes, it does suck that the gym is unusually packed around the start of the year.  Guess what, it is going to happen again in June when everyone decides that it is time to get a 6 pack 2 weeks before they go on vacation.  My problem lies with those people that constantly hit social media to berate the individuals that have chose this to be the year to change their life in a positive aspect.  Let’s review a few examples…
Well sir, I am happy for you for continuing your routine of body weight exercises.  Why not “hit da gym” and help out one of the reolutioners so that they can also get on a great program like you?  Try and make them feel more welcomed instead of encouraging them to quit so quickly.  Looks like you play basketball according to your picture…what if someone told you to just quit the first time you picked up the rock?
When was the last time that you did anything for the first time and knew how to use all the tools involved?  There is a learning curve for everyone.  And for being out of shape…isn’t that the point of being there?  I am sure you walked into the gym for the first time with a low body fat and perfectly sculpted features.
Your gym?  Oh my bad…
#6 – The Hoarder
Besides #5, this gym rat is the easiest to spot.  Coming in at number 6 is the Hoarder.  They usually reside in an open area designed for functional training.  Most of them workout alone but gather up enough equipment for a medium sized cross-fit class.  You will typically see them with at least 1 yoga mat, 1 Bosu-ball, 1 medicine ball, 4-5 weighted balls, 13 dumbbells of various weights, an olympic bar, 8 plates and at least 2 resistance bands.
Besides the fact that this person is most likely taking up around 65% of the functional training area for their “Around-The-World-Jump-Squats”, the most annoying habit of this creature is the fact that if you ask to work in a couple of sets with a piece of the equipment that he acquired on his quest he will turn to you and look at you like you just asked if you can take his first born…
#5 – The Extremely Confident Naked Bunch
Number 5 on the list doesn’t necessarily effect my workouts but they are always in one area of the gym.  Number 5 is The Extremely Confident Naked Bunch.  Now I am not sure what it is like in the women’s locker room but this is 100% what the Men’s locker room is like. I understand that there are showers in the locker room and that at one point or another 95% of the guys that take a shower will be naked for some portion of time.  However, what I do not understand is the need to walk from your locker, to the shower, back to your locker, to the mirror, to the sink, to the hand dryer, change the tv station, and then back to your locker all in the nude.  And this is definitely something that gets more common with age.  The older these guys get, the more confident they are.  Please just grab a towel.  Especially if you are going to walk around and talk to people like I know you are about to.
#4 –  The Promoter
Number 4 is by far the hardest to spot.  He is like a snake in the grass.  He will slowly creep around the gym until he find the target and stalk this target until the time is just right and then BOOM!  Hitting the heart of this list is The Promoter.
fad diets
If I have yet to start my workout or I am already done then I really do not mind hanging out and talking to people.  It gives you a chance to exchange ideas, programs, and experiences with other people that are just trying to improve their health as well…mostly.  This is a prime time for The Promoter to pounce and sneakily change the subject and tell you about this new amazing fad diet that is sweeping the nation and is the only reason he/she has met their goals.  It will usually be some witty name like “Body by _____” or something to catch the eye of organic lovers like “Herbal______” and for just a small some of money you can become an ambassador and eventually make tons of supplemental income too!  WOW!  I have had precious relaxing sauna time stolen from me by these snakes that I will never get again.  No, I don’t want to take your miracle pill.  No, I don’t want to become a salesmen in your disguised pyramid scheme.  And NO, I truly do not believe that your fad diet is the answer for sustained weight loss and a healthy life.
#3 – The Bro-Crew
I feel like number 3 is going to be the most controversial.  I think that if a lot of people review their recent “workouts” that they will realize that they are part of this group.  Number 3 on the list is The Bro-Crew.  This will usually include a group of about 5-6 gym rats that will all be huddled around 1 piece of equipment.  Typically something that requires lots of groans, slams and power lifting (Typically Bench Press or Squat Rack).   You can spot them because it will be reminiscent of a pack of hyenas surrounding one dead antelope.  Except they will take more time standing over the carcass talking about their most recent Rec-League game rather than actually eating.  You can usually spot them by their truly witty shirts that usually have some intellectual saying like “You Mad Bro?” or “Do You Even Lift?”  Good news is that when the pack is done with their 2 sets of 3 reps a piece they typically vacate the gym.  Bad news is that 3 hours have now passed and you are already home.   They will most likely be guilty of being #7 on the list as well…
#2 – The Thumb Exerciser 
It was actually kind of hard to pick between which one the next two was going to be graced with the gold and who was to get the silver.  In the end I had to select The Thumb Exerciser as number 2.  They are very easy to spot at the gym. Why?  Because they are always just sitting on the piece of equipment that you are trying to use.  They stick out like a sore thumb! (terrible pun I know)  Most of the time they aren’t even sitting on the machine in a position as if they were going to use it.
2013-05-19 10.48.14
They can be seen sending more texts than doing reps and tweeting #GymLife for all their friends to see.  Selfies at every angle are obviously needed while sitting on the leg curl machine.  Once they move to the leg extensions though is when they find the perfect filter so that their hair line looks good in their new instagram pic.  Watch out for these ones…they bounce from machine to machine like a pinball.  No telling which one of your workouts they will impede next.
#1 – The Rat with the Pretend Maid
Here it is.  The number 1 most annoying gym rat in the world.  I have publicly talked about how much this drives me crazy and I felt that this particular rat deserved the #1 spot.  The Gold!  El Champion!  Finishing the list at number 1 is The Rat with the Pretend Maid.  This one will never seem OK to me.   90% of these gym rats are full on regulars and for some reason they just cannot seem to re-rack their weights when they are done.  However, when they come in the next day they will turn and complain that the free weight section is sloppy and they can’t find the correct weight of dumbbells.  They are allergic to taking off 45lbs plates off any sort of leg press and/or squat rack.  This causes confusion in the gym because now people do not know if you are done with your set or just off hanging out with #3.  The gym gets cluttered and starts looking like this…
Mama always told me to put away your toys when you were done.  Beware of this group though.  If you do start re-racking their weights even though they walked away for 4-5 minutes and they aren’t done, they will make sure that you know full gym etiquette about how not to move into another persons space until they are fully done.  Do the entire gym a favor and just clean up after yourself.
Well ladies and gentlemen.  That is the full list in my opinion.  Vote below and tell me which one gets under your nerves the most…feel free to add to the list in the comment section!

Which gym rat is most obnoxious to you?
Until Next Time…